I started this morning, Saturday 2 July 2022, on Facebook by posting the following:
Through my researches I came to the Ultimate Conception of Reality (Vishista-advaita) as a yogi, but live to my Free Self now because attachment destroys.
Do not be afraid, communicate; you have nothing to lose except your slavery in thereby finding sanity.
Treat nothing as true so that you are not a slave attached to any perceived or real truth or truths; then you are your Free true nature as your Self.
Slavery (attachment) to anything such as beliefs, ideas, States, bosses (human or gods), things, desires, missions, etc. is insanity due to impermanence of reality.
Every day is a fresh start for my looking for new horizons given that I have survived to a reasonably good age and am still learning at the age of 65 years and 5 months. I have continued with The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited by endorsing my Companies House Confirmation of registration for a second year. I have no idea where this will lead to but I am free this morning, free to do what I wish. I will write accordingly. The above sentiments summarise my approach to life now.