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My Travel Journey Over The Past Five Decades

Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi

Updated: Aug 16, 2024


NAME: Shantanu Panigrahi

ADDRESS 3 Hoath Lane, Wigmore, Near Gillingham, Kent ME8 0SL, United Kingdom. Tel (01634) 379604.

SPECIALISM: Environmental and Humanology Scientist


NATIONALITY: United Kingdom

DATE OF BIRTH: 8 August 1957

MARITAL STATUS: Wife, and a daughter (date of birth: 19-9-1990)



* Livestock production with particular reference to sustainable farming systems in tropical developing countries: specialism in livestock nutrition (ruminant and non-ruminant), livestock economics and environmental assessment.

* Development of integrated concepts for agricultural development in different agro-

climatic zones: eg oilseed-livestock, root crops-livestock, agroforestry-livestock and

small grains-livestock.

* Project planning, monitoring and evaluation in relation to adaptive animal feed technology transfer.

* Collaborating with non-governmental organisations to encourage the uptake of research-generated technologies.

* Advising organisations and personnel in developing countries on nutritional,

toxicological and husbandry aspects of livestock production.

* Analysing policy issues relating to economic, environmental and socio-cultural aspects of livestock production (one major study of urban livestock production in

Eastern India).


* Extensive research on

- Nutritional value of human foods.

- Medicinal value of tropical plant products.

- Nutritional and anti-nutritional principles in agricultural commodities for livestock.

- Plane of nutrition appropriate for small-scale livestock production systems in the rural areas of developing countries.

- Toxicological effects of environmental contaminants (including fungal, gaseous) and eed adulterants.

- Diet modifications for reducing methane generation by dairy cows to reduce global warming.

Teaching and training

* Training personnel from developing countries on animal nutrition, and bioassays for detecting environmental toxins. Teaching undergraduates.

QUALIFICATIONS (including membership of professional bodies)

BSc in Pharmacology, Chelsea College, University of London, 1978.

PhD (Thesis on an aspect of Tropical Poultry Nutrition), University of Reading, 1988.

Post-Graduate Diploma (Distinction) in Agricultural Development, University of London, 1994.

Certificate, in Livestock Development (Distinction), Wye College, University of London, 1995. Certificate, in Environmental Science (Distinction), Wye College, University of London, 1996. MSc in Agricultural Development Certificate decision awaited.

Formerly Assistant Editor and Member of the Council of Management of British Poultry Science Journal.

Formerly Member of World's Poultry Science Association and Member of Rural African Network for Poultry.


1974 - Prize for the best A-Level Field Course Notebook at Kingston College of Further Education (Study of Sea-shore and Freshwater Ecology at Bangor, Wales).

1977 - Full College Colours for Services to the Badminton Club of Chelsea College, University of London.


Speaking Reading Writing

English Fluent Fluent Fluent

Hindi Fluent Fluent Fluent

Urdu Basic - -

Bengali Fluent Basic -

Oriya Fluent Basic Basic


India. August 1997; Studying livestock-related activities in and around Calcutta for an MSc dissertation on 'urbanisation and its impact on livestock development in eastern India' -to be submitted to Wye College, University of London.

India. August 1997; Participating as an invited speaker in a Poultry Feed Management (Nutrition) Workshop organised by the American Soybean Association (Asia Subcontinent; New Delhi Office - email: & Eastern Hatcheries Pvt. Ltd. (Bhubaneswar; Tel. 0674 40304) at Hotel Prachi Bhubaneswar, Orissa, on August 12 1997.

Cameroon - March 1997; implementing a project extension to the ODA-funded Project R5179.

Zimbabwe - November-December, 1996. Attending a seminar on Small-Scale Decentralised Agro-Industry held in Harare. Presented a paper on the ‘rationale for development of sunflower seed oilcake as an animal feed’. Monitoring progress in Projects C0633 and O0053.

Cameroon - June 1996; project monitoring visit to evaluate project progress in the ODA-funded Project R5179.

Zimbabwe - January, 1996. Part of a three-member visit team developing a collaborative research project with Appropriate Technology International, and local institutions and NGOs on the use of sunflowerseed cake produced from a rampress for dairy and poultry production (ODA Project Code O0053).

Zimbabwe - February 1996; arranging collaborative poultry feeding trials at Henderson Research Station, Mazowe, Zimbabwe, to test poultry rations designed for transfer to small-scale poultry producers in Zimbabwe in relation to Project C0633.

Cameroon - January-February 1995; conducting ODA-funded adaptive field research (Project Code R5179) to promote the utilisation of sweet potato and cassava root meal in poultry feeds through on-station and on-farm feed development and poultry feeding trials in the North-West Province highlands.

Zimbabwe - March 1995; examining Tinytech oil milling operations and sampling sunflower seed oilcakes for nutritional analysis at NRI in relation to Project C0633.

Zimbabwe - May 1994; reviewing developments in the oilseed sector, and developing a project proposal with the non-governmental organisation, the Intermediate Technology Development Group on the use of oilcakes generated by motorised small-scale oil mills for livestock production (Project Code C0633).

Kenya - March 1994; examining root crop development strategies in East Africa; visits to the International Potato Centre, University of Nairobi, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, International Livestock Centre for Africa, and Agricultural Research Foundation.

Nigeria - February 1994; organising research project at NRI for a senior member of staff at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (under a Senior Carnegie Research Fellowship); organising a nine-month (June 1995-February 1996) World Bank-funded Research/Training Fellowship for another of this university’s lecturer at NRI.

Cameroon - February 1994; prefeasibility study of farming systems in the western highlands of Cameroon in relation to the identification of a field site to conduct poultry feed development based on root crops.

India - November 1993; presenting a paper on 'cassava utilisation in poultry diets', at the International Symposium on Tropical Tuber Crops Research, at Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapurum. Also delivering a lecture on 'urbanisation and livestock development', at Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.

The Netherlands - September 1992; presenting a paper on 'copra cake and broiler behaviour', at the XIX World Poultry Congress, Amsterdam.

India - December 1991; Eastern India, studying peri-urban dairy production systems, storage and use of fibrous ruminant feeds, and monitoring the presence of aflatoxin M1 in milk from different production systems.

Belgium - April 1989; Brussels, negotiating a Commission of European Communities-funded contract.

India - March 1987; Madras Veterinary College, identifying areas of common interest for collaborative research. Orissa, studying rice cultivation and livestock production.

India - March 1985; Commercial firms in Calcutta. Examining seeds of Cassia tora and Tamarindus indica for research.


(1) December 2021 to present: BP Express Shpping Limited, LENJHAM SF CONNECT, Petrol Station cum Convenience Store, Lenham, Ashford Road, Kent. Manager: Chiran Rai, Tel 01622 850587. Site ID 11800956.

(2) Owner, Author and Director of ‘The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited registered with Companies House: Books published:

(3) April 2021- 25 May 2021: Personal Shopper (Picker) at Tesco CFC Aylesford Kent in Chller: Tom Cartwright (Chiller Pick Manager). Tel: 07718534457. Email:

(4) November 2020-December 2020: Christmas Casual Mail Sorter at Royal Mail Medway Mail Centre, Knight Road, Strood, Rochester.

(5) December 2020-January 2020: Services Assistant at Sainsbury’s Angel Centre, Tonbridge, Kent, ME169LN. Tel: 01732 359811.

(6) May 2005-present: Election Staff for Electoral Registration Department, Medway Council, Civic Centre, Gun Wharf, Chatham, Kent ME4 4AU. Tel. 01634 306000/332072.

(7) March 2020-June 2020: Trading Assistant at Sainsbury’s 529-531 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME169LN. Tel: 01622 728246.

(8) November 2019-December 2019: Christmas Casual Mail Sorter at Royal Mail Medway Mail Centre, Knight Road, Strood, Rochester.

(9) March 2016-January 2017: Wigmore Newsagency: General purpose worker, at Newspaper delivery organisation and Till Work. (Reference: Mrs Shanti Ravikumar)

(10) 14 September 2014- December 2014: Customer Assistant at Shell UK Ltd for (a) Temple Farm Limited, Shell Bluebell Hill A229 Northbound, Old Chatham Road, Bluebell Hill Aylesford Nr Maidstone Kent ME20 7EZ Tel 01634 661000; and (b) Clearly Business Solutions Limited, Shell Rochester, Maidstone Road, Rochester Kent ME1 3 LT. Tel 01622 632800.

(11) August 2006 January 2008. Cashier at Shell Wigmore Service Station, 26 Hoath Lane, Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SW. Tel: 01634 269880.

(12) September 2009 – January 2011. Sales Assistant 2011: Later became Sherlodge Garage, 26 Hoath Lane, Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SW. Tel: 01634 269880.

(13) July 2004 to July 2006: Forecourt attendant at Total Britannia Service Station at 217 High Street, Rainham, Gillingham Kent ME8 8AY. Tel: 01634 269892.

(14) December 2004 to 28 February 2005: Cover Supervisor, The Robert Napier School, Third Avenue, Gillingham, Kent ME7 2LX. Tel: (01634) 851157.

(15) July 2004-December 2004: General purpose worker for the Employment Agency Connexions Recruitment Ltd, 27 Skinner Street, Gillingham, Kent ME7 1HD. Tel: (01634) 280050.

(16) 1996-1998: (Principal Scientist-3), Natural Resources Management Department, Natural Resources Institute, The University of Greenwich, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, United Kingdom. Tel: (01634) 880088.

(17) 1991-1996: Senior Scientific Officer (Animal Nutritionist), Livestock Department, Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, United Kingdom. Tel: (01634) 880088.


Higher Scientific Officer (Poultry Nutritionist), Animal Feeds Section. Responsible for Project development and the Operation of the Livestock Experimental Station at NRI Culham, Oxfordshire.

1979-83: Scientific Officer (Pharmacologist), Toxic and Economic Constituents Section (NRI London). Responsible for Project development and the Management of the Nutritional sub-Section.


Scientific Journal Papers: (39)

PANIGRAHI, S., (199?) Parallels in dairy and poultry development strategies and issues relating to urbanisation in the Eastern India region. (in preparation).

PANIGRAHI, S., Wareing, P.W., Phillips, S. and Ncube, S. (1997) Nutritional and mycological changes in maize and sorghum stover during dry season storage in Zimbabwe. (in preparation).

PANIGRAHI, S. (1997) Rationale for the development of sunflowerseed oilcake as a poultry feed in southern Africa, with particular reference to Zimbabwe. Proceedings of a Seminar held in Zimbabwe on ‘Small-scale decentralised agro-industries in Zimbabwe and the region’. Intermediate Technology Development Group, PO Box 1744, Harare, Zimbabwe (in print).

PANIGRAHI, S. (1997) Integrated small-scale oil milling and livestock production in Zimbabwe. Agricultural and Rural Development. Volume 5 (2) (August 1998): 39-42.

PANIGRAHI, S. and B.S. Waite (1998) Responses of broiler chicks to dietary cottonseed meal treated with ferrous sulphate. Proceedings of the 10th Eurpoean Poultry Conference, Jerusalem, Israel 21-26 June 1998: 444-447.

PANIGRAHI, S. and B.S. Waite (1998) The use of rations with up to forty per cent palm kernel meal for egg production. Proceedings of the Spring Meeting of the World Poultry Science Association, United Kingdom Branch, Spa Complex, Scarborough,UK, 25-26 March 1998: 68-69.

PANIGRAHI, S. and Dallin, S. (1997) The mung seed germination bioassay of tenuazonic acid, an Alternaria toxin. Tropical Science, 37: 9-12.

Phillips, S.I., Wareing, P.W., Dutta, A., PANIGRAHI, S. and Medlock V. (1996). The mycoflora and incidence of aflatoxin and zearalenone in dairy feed and forage samples from Eastern India and Bangladesh. Mycopathologia,133: 15-21.

PANIGRAHI, S., Bestwick, L.A., Davis, R. and Wood, C.D. (1996). The nutritive value of stackburned yellow maize for livestock: tests in vitro and in broiler chicks. British Journal of Nutrition, 76: 97-108.

PANIGRAHI, S. and Plumb, V.E. (1996) Effects of ferrous sulphate treatment of cottonseed meal for preventing brown yolk discolouration on dietary phosphorus. British Poultry Science, 37: 403-411.

PANIGRAHI, S., Oguntona, E.B. and Roberts, B.R. (1996) Effects of different drying temperatures on the nutritive value of sweet potato for broiler chicks. British Poultry Science, 37: 173-188.

PANIGRAHI, S. (1995) The potential for small-scale oilseed expelling in conjunction with poultry production in developing countries. World's Poultry Science Journal, 51: 167-176.

PANIGRAHI, S., Jones, B.D. and Dallin, S. (1994) Effects of dietary tenuazonic acid, isolated from a culture of Alternaria alternata, on broiler chicks. Proceedings of the 9th Eurpoean Poultry Conference, 7 to 12 August 1994, Glasgow, UK; Volume I,: 179-180. Walker and Connel, Ltd.

Swetman, T. and PANIGRAHI, S. (1994) The potential for using ram-pressed sunflowerseed cake as a livestock feed component in rural areas of Zimbabwe and Tanzania. Proceedings of The Agrotech Regional Workshop on Small-Scale Oil Processing; 5-9 September, 1994. Arusha International Conference Centre, Arusha, Tanzania; Published by Agrotech, Harare, Zimbabwe.

PANIGRAHI, S. and Dallin, S. (1994) Toxicity of some Alternaria spp metabolites to brine shrimp Artemia salina L. larvae. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 66: 493-496.

PANIGRAHI, S. (1993) Bioassay of mycotoxins using terrestrial and aquatic animal and plant species. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 31: 767-790.

PANIGRAHI, S., Rickard, J., O'Brien, G.M. and Gay, C. (1992) Effects of different rates of drying cassava root on its toxicity to broiler chicks. British Poultry Science, 33: 1025-1042.

PANIGRAHI, S., Phillips, S., Plumb, V.E. and Watson, A.J. (1992) Evaluation of the nutritive value of yellow rice in rats and broiler chicks. British Journal of Nutrition, 68: 573-582.

PANIGRAHI, S. (1992) Energy deficit-induced behaviour changes in broiler chicks fed copra meal-based diets. Proceedings of the XIX World's Poultry Science Congress, 20-24 September, 1992, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Volume 3, pp 503-507.

PANIGRAHI, S. (1992) Effects of different copra meals and amino acid supplementation on broiler chick growth. British Poultry Science, 33: 683-687.

PANIGRAHI, S. (1992) Effects of treating cottonseed meal with a solution of ferrous sulphate for the prevention of brown yolk discolouration. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 38: 89-103.

PANIGRAHI, S. (1991) Behaviour changes in broiler chicks fed on diets containing palm kernel meal. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 31: 277-281.

PANIGRAHI, S. and Powell, C.J. (1991) Effects of high rates of inclusion of palm kernel meal in broiler chick diets. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 34: 37-47.

Dietz, H.M., PANIGRAHI, S. and Harris, R.V. (1991) Toxicity of hydrolysis products from 3-butenyl glucosinolate in rats. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 39: 311-315.

PANIGRAHI, S. (1991) Metabolizable energy (ME) value of high residual lipid copra meal in formulating broiler chick diets. Tropical Science, 31: 141-145.

PANIGRAHI, S. and Morris, T.R. (1991) Effects of dietary cottonseed meal and iron-treated cottonseed meal in different hen genotypes. British Poultry Science, 31: 167-181.

PANIGRAHI, S. (1990) Ammonia and dietary cottonseed meal-associated brown yolk discolouration in hens' eggs. Tropical Science, 30: 325-342.

Machin, D.H., PANIGRAHI, S., Bainton, J. and Morris T.R. (1990) Performance of broiler chicks fed on low and high oil fish silages in relation to the changes taking place in lipid and protein components. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 28: 199-223.

PANIGRAHI, S. and Hammonds, T.W. (1990) Egg discolouration effects of including screw-pressed cottonseed meal in laying hen diets and their prevention. British Poultry Science, 31: 107-120.

PANIGRAHI, S., Plumb, V.E. and Machin, D.H. (1989) Effects of dietary cottonseed meal, with and without iron treatment, in laying hens. British Poultry Science, 30: 641-651.

PANIGRAHI, S. (1989) Effects on egg production of including high residual lipid copra meal in laying hen diets. British Poultry Science, 30: 305-312.

PANIGRAHI, S., Bland, B. and Carlaw, P.M. (1989) The nutritive value of tamarind seeds for broiler chicks. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 22: 285-293.

PANIGRAHI, S. (1989) Effects of atmospheric ammonia on chick embryo development. British Poultry Science, 30: 197-200.

PANIGRAHI, S. (1988) Effects of atmospheric ammonia on egg pH, gossypol-related brown yolk discolouration and chick embryo development. Paper presented at the 1988, Spring meeting of the World's Poultry Science Association - UK Branch, School of Pharmacy, University of London, London. Abstract in British Poultry Science, 29: 878-879.

PANIGRAHI, S., Machin, D.H., Parr, W.H. and Bainton, J. (1987) Responses of broiler chicks to dietary copra cake of high lipid content. British Poultry Science, 28: 589-600.

PANIGRAHI, S., El Samra, S.E., Bhosale, S.D., Parr, W.H. and Coker, R.D. (1986) Dietary vitamin and aflatoxin interactions in chicks and ducklings. In: Proceedings of 7th European Poultry Conference, Paris, 1986. Volume 1. General, Genetics, Nutrition, posters. pp 267-271. Ed. Larbier, M., 37002 Tours, France; World's Poultry Science Association.

PANIGRAHI, S., Francis, B.J., Cano, L.A. and Burbage, M.B. (1984) Toxicity of Jatropha curcas seeds from Mexico to rats and mice. Nutrition Reports International, 29: 1089-1099.

PANIGRAHI, S. and Francis, B.J. (1982) Digestibility and possible toxicity of the yam, Dioscorea alata. Nutrition Reports International, 26: 1007-1013.

Books/Thesis/Book articles: (3)

PANIGRAHI, S. (1997) Alternaria toxins. In: Handbook of Plant and Fungal Toxicants. Handbook of Pharmacology and Toxicology - A CRC Press Series. pp 319-337. Editor: J.P.F. D'Mello. ISBN 0-8493-5551-2. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

PANIGRAHI, S. (1996) A review of the potential for using cassava root meal in poultry diets. In: Tropical Tuber Crops: Problems, Prospects and Future Strategies. pp 416-428. Eds.: Kurup, G.T., Palaniswami, M.S. Potty, V.P., Padmaja, G., Kabeerathumma, S. and Pillai, S.V. Proceedings of an International Symposium on Tropical Tuber Crops, 6-9 November 1993. Indian Society for Root Crops, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapurum, India. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, Calcutta.

PANIGRAHI, S. (1988) The use of cottonseed meal in laying hen diets. PhD Thesis, University of Reading, United Kingdom.

Coker, R.D., Jones, B.D., Nagler, M.J., Gilman, G.A., Wallbridge, A.J. and PANIGRAHI, S. (1984) Bioassay of Mycotoxins. In: Section A16. The Mycotoxins Training Manual. G report. Tropical Development and Research Institute.


Current websites

The Conservative Libertarian Society (Archived)

Simplesite: websites (Archived)

Wordpress (Archived Blogposts):



Abiogenesis Review

How modern humans came about


38 Degrees websites:

Change .org:







1. a-conception-of-reality

2. navigating-the-state-of-the-united-kingdom

3. searching-for-mental-health-services

4. karma-in-sanatan-dharma

5. the-preliminaries-of-an-allurement-of-reality

6. the-climate-change-phenomenon

7. maryada-purushottama-bhagwan-ram

8. truth-accommodation

9. autobiography-of-a-sadhaka-in-samadhi

10. post-realisation-musings

11. misecllany

12. mind-and-mindfulness

13. sri-krishna-s-maya

14. picking-up-the-pieces

15. a-review-of-the-status-quo

16. passage-to-india/ A creative passage to the homeland

17. back-to-square-one

18. tidying-up-loose-ends

19. the-final-unfolding-of-truth-digital

20. the-evolution-of-democratic-ideals

21. withstanding-state-organised-persecution

22. managing-the-environment

23. the-world-serving-nature

24. paramarthika-dharma

25. judgement-pending

26. resting-on-ones-laurels

27. the-final-straight-digital

28. a-new-climate-for-mankind

29. post-mortem

30. truth-is-cure-all

31. footnotes-to-the-allurement-of-reality

32. defamatory-persecution-squashed

33. loyalty-in-jeopardy

34. hitting-back-in-dharmayudha

35. life-beyond-gyan-yoga

36. a-new-beginning-beckons

37. diary-of-a-paranoid-schizophrenic

38. a-constructive-life

39. the-aftermath-of-conflict

40. last-cries-of-the-vanquished

41. what-advaita-and-why-advaita

42. a-legacy-of-knowledge-accumulation

43. science-religion-and-philosophy

44. collapse-of-western-civilisation

45. medical-support-to-withstand-persecution

46. dealing-with-international-criminals

47. final-resolution

48. the-conservative-libertarian-society

49. dictatorial-monarch-in-the-united-kingdom

53. preserving-the-rule-of-law

54. hindu-spirituality condensed

55. the crunch time

56. god-and-creation

57. prospects-for-a-confirmed-vishista-advaitist

58. being-my-true-self

59. spontaneity-of-actions

60. and-now-to-the-mundane

62. cessation-of-suffering

63. freeing-from-the-clutches-of-demons

64. reputation-matters

65. the-journey-continues

66. sorting-out-the-rubbish

67. winner-takes-all

68. reforming-the-constitution-of-the-united-kingdom

69. putting-devotional-bhakti-to-the-test

70. piss-taking-as-an-art-form

71. dharmayoga

72. and-so-the-saga-rumbles-on

73. let-barking-dogs-lie

74. the-final-nail-in-the-coffin

75. self-enquiry

76. the-final-curtain

77. crisis-what-crisis

78. responsibilities-kartavya

79. the-blockade

80. new-horizons


82. steady-as-she-goes

83. parliamentary-proceedings

84. fundamentals-remaining

85. the-crux-of-the-matter

86. the-attorney-general-decides

87. the-final-touches

88. policy-changes

89. decision-of-the-state-authorities

90. chickens-coming-home-to-roost


92. a-fresh-start-to-hostilities

93. the-settlement-in-progress

94. apologise-and-pay-compensation

95. what-happened-next

96. finally-a-court-hearing-for-the-claimant

97. watching-with-interest

98. it-is-never-over-until-it-is-over

99. the-brightness-of-vishista-advaita

100. the-purpose-of-life

101. how-long-will-this-go-on-for

102. update-on-proceedings

103. the-judge-and-the-jury

104. summarised-considerations

105. memoirs-of-late

106. only-truth-is-risk-free

107. long-time-no-see

108. freedom-of-information

109. dossier-submission-to-the-state-authorities

110. the-final-countdown


112 liberation-from-self-preservation

113. the-end-review

114. Saving-one's-reputation-is-a-work-in-progress

115. When-fortified-with-truth,-defend

116. Proof-of-the-pudding-is-in-eating

117. The-outcome

118. Reform-in-progress

119. Teaching-by-learning

120. Fight-for-truth-and-justice-goes-on


122. Easy-does-it

123. What-is-coming-next

124. Revolution-unfolding-in-the-united-kingdom

125. The-real-battle-begins

126. What-was-all-that-about?_a-damp-squib

127. Petition-to-the-monarch

128. Moving-on

129. Establishing one's rights

130. Truth-charade


132. Progressing-into-the-future

133. A-piece-of-cake

134. Brutally-honest

135. The-final-hurdles-to-liberty

136. Up,-up-and-away

137. Use-and-abuse

138. Wow,-what-an-ending

139. Reality-fathomed-phase

140. On-the-crest-of-a-wave


142. When-all-is-said-and-done

143. The-resurgence

144. Good-times-ahead

145. Slaughterhouse

146. Times-are-changing

147. The-final-decision-looms

148. Diplomatic-manoeuvres

149. Postscript

150. The-day-of-reckoning


152. Waiting-game

153. And-so-it-goes-on

154. What-have-you-got-to-say-for-yourself

155. Time-to-reflect

156. Retirement-phase

157. Family-and-friends

158. Medical-appointments

159. Rest-assured

160. The-right-course-of-action

161. Development-of-a-defence-against-anticipated-charges

162. Brighter-than-sunshine-and-sweeter-than-honey

163. Reassembly-in-progress

164. Dodging-the-pursuit

165. Do-not-screw-it-up

166. Get-on-with-it

167. Case-for-the-persecution

168. Lancing-the-boil-of-injustice

169. Coming-seeing-and-conquering

170. Where-there-is-a-will-there-is-a-way

171. Rejoicing-at-the-birth-of-a-new-dawn

172. Working-with-the-establishment

173. Money-matters

174. Surveillance-society

175. Time-to-restore-normalcy

176. The-great-escape

177. Whimpering-dogs

178. Rejoining-liberal-democrats

179. Collecting-the-dough

180. Smashing-display

181. Saving-grace

182. Through-the-Reform-UK-Party

183. Self-help-is-the-best-way

184. Next-in-line

185. Political-credibility

186. Emphatic-security-controls

187. New-development

188. Here-we-go

189. Mission-accomplished

190. Need-help-to-preserve

191. Republicans-unite

192. So-now-what

193. Gone-as-far-as-I-can-go

194. All-quiet-on-the-western-front

195. Republicanism-mainstream-in-the-United-Kingdom

196. Commentary-from-TCLP-UK

197. Regression-therapy

198. House-of-cards-collapses

199. Survival-of-the-fittest

200. Business-as-usual

201. Divine-vision

202. Truth-uncovered

203. Correspondence-random

204. Claim-E35YM660-result

205. Generalities

206. Specific-tasks

207. Top-marks

208. Last-hurrah

209. All-over-bar-the-shout

210. The-Stripe-Complaint

211. Respond-if-you-please

212. The-court-of-public-opinion

213. Getting-to-grips

214. Publications-all-clear

215. Bringing-matters-to-a-head

216. All-the-sundries

217. The-cookie-crumbles

218. The-British-library

219. All-A-OK

220. Renewed-vigour-to-resist

221. Happiness-always-(ananda)

222. New-way-new-life

223. Time-is-up

224. East-is-East,-West-is-West

225. Just-getting-on-with-it-now

226. Anyone-for-tennis

227. Full-written-reasons

228. Freethought-and-rationalism-wins

These books are on had for £10 (GBP) each here:

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Unpublished work:

Unpublished data from animal nutrition research available to write a further 30 or more scientific papers

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