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Essentials of Vishista-advaita Vedanta

Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi

Updated: Mar 19, 2022

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When one considers the existence of an indwelling Spirit, the assumption that It acts upon the self is wrong for a Vishistaadvaitist who is free of all attachments including to that of the Spirit. A vishistaadvaitist lives purely as a living entity but at the highest level possible which he or she calls Self the Spirit being consigned to the dormancy of the psyche as unneceassary. I am not an advaitist but a VishistaAdvaitist nowadays.

Facebook I admire you for such timely reminders of my considerations and conceptions of the psst as they give me the opportunity to update myself and to reconcile anomalies, and in so doing set out the Reality to which I live now.

18 March 2020: Whether the self transcends the material gunas or an indwelling Spirit acts upon the self are one and the same thing in advaita

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The 'Father' should stay out of affairs within Brahma-Nature having created Brahman that consists of interactions of its guna consciousness elements. Further, in my personal experience there is no evidence that the 'Father' forgives or punishes any of the components of Brahma-Nature for their acts because this would be an admission of a contradiction in the perfection of Creation in which the Father is taking sides. It is the individual who has the free will to punish the evil tamasic intrusions/invasions or forgive them, or find a way to reconcile these two options through truth-accommodation. A Vishista advaitist truth accommodates. This comes to the practitioner of the religion naturally because he or she has no attachments as always acting nonchalantly, spontaeously an unpremeditatedly as the Self.


1 Year Ago

See your memories

Shantanu Panigrahi

18 March 2021 ·

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Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”[a] And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

When Jesus was crucified, he uttered these words about those who begged for his crucifixion. He asked his father, who, in Christian theology is known as God the Father, for forgiveness of those who asked for his murder.

When the Reality is ascertained and the necessary accommodation that one has tested and found to work has been incorporated in one's actions each moment of the waking hours then all mental suffering vanishes

1 Year Ago

See your memories

Shantanu Panigrahi

18 March 2021 ·

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Ignorance and uncertainty generates mental disorders, a person then suffers; physical suffering is nothing compared to mental illness: all due to ignorance.

Just clear the debris from your path

Shantanu Panigrahi shared a memory.

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Atman is the state of mind that is taking leave of its senses, the process of unattachment being complete at the highest level of existence called the Self. Then the mind has become mahatma and this=Brahman with Om consigned as a spirit to the dormancy of the psyche as the Creator (God) and this is the Reality. Brahman preserves itself, so a Vishista-advaitist being Brahman at this level of union is preserved.

2 years ago

See your memories

Shantanu Panigrahi

14 March 2020 ·

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For an advaitin, atman=Brahman; but in the final analysis one should not be attached to the life of an advaitin with this realisation either. So who am I? I am Om (Hindu terminology). What is Om? Om is Truth, that is to say, one becomes totally and utterly detached from reality. One accepts everything that the ethers throw at you. I am ethereal.

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Shantanu Panigrahi shared a memory.

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The proof of the pudding is in the eating. I have reached the promised land. The visions, utterances and prophetic statements from me twenty or more years ago have come to materialise. Hence the faith that Creation is preordained and preorchestrated in a Grand Design is true.

1 Year Ago

See your memories

Shantanu Panigrahi

12 March 2021 ·

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Whether or not pre-ordination and pre-orchestration of the universe is true, this outlook is the basis of the faith that God exists as Creator and Preserver/Saviour.

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