No matter what you have just learnt, do not jump to conclusions and so start afresh the need to learn again; that is, remain open-minded always.
Knowing something as being true is an attachment that can destroy you. Truth may not exist: searching it is a mission so could be another delusional attachment.
I say this because after 20 years of spellbinding research in the natural sciences during which I published 35 odd scientific papers in international refereed journals and another 23 years of mental health and humanology research that followed with 56 books published and a dozen websites that I created I have no coherent and rational concepualisation of Reality in any convincing way. So the universe could be an illusion, or what Hindus call 'Maya'.
For me however the phenomenal world is real and not an illusion as given by Sankara's Advaita Vedanta which is based on his words 'brahman satya jagat mithya' or to translate, thare is something called Brahman, the Absolute Reality, but the world we see and experience is false or an apparent reality not that Absolute Reality; and further Aham Brahasmi neans that we are that Brahman from which come the words 'thou art that'.
I had been confused by these different Vedantic interpretations of Reslity so that my use of the term Brahman in my own tentative coneptualisation of Reality needs now dropped in favour of using the term Brahma-Nature for everything including the gods) as being the Absolute Reality to be unified with in Vishista-advaita Vedanta.
Whether it is true or not, who does one ask: noone on Earth knows for certain. I am just using words to describe my interpretation of my life history to put into the best framwork that I can to represent it. It is an imaginary framework on this moment's review. I have published it all in eBook and print books so that it is not lost to history. I must give up now snd focus on down yo Earth living issues and purely material considerations that are rooted in facts, like being a good family msn as husband to my spouse and father to our dsughter. 1he life has been a dream.