Truth seeking throug truth-accommodation (satya-advaita yoga) is a thing of the past for me. In its final stages it took on the framework of being spontaneous, nonchalant and unpremeditated in all my actions and reaction.
Now it is truth-living which is acting in instant awareness and instant understanding to take spot-on and decisions instantly to such a perfection of truth that it takes full account of the status quo reality of the moment for my survival in security and liberty. This is a need of the human and animal biology.
To attain this state of mentality do not have any plans, nor aims, desires and objectives other than wanting to be free of all that. That is how the best decisions are made instantly.
To be free to truth-seek as well as truth-live have no attachments. The difference between the two is that whereas the body was not impottant during truth seeking as required by the rules of satya-advaita yoga, in truth living the body and mind are inseparable.