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Shantanu Panigrahi shared a memory.
12m ·
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The purpose of life is different to the meaning: to experience and gain Self realisation.
3 years ago
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Shantanu Panigrahi
20 February 2020 ·
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The meaning of life is survival to live up to the age that one is destined to by one's genes, using all ones faculties
Shantanu Panigrahi shared a memory.
15 m
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Do not serve God even though He-She exists in ones psyche. Serving God is an attachment that is Self-destructive.bDevotion to truth takes you on a journey towards attainment of the Self state where one is perfect in ones thoughts and resulting actions.
2 years ago
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Shantanu Panigrahi
20 February 2021
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The only way to serve God is to find your pre-destiny: God has a plan for you, what is this plan; now do you follow what is devotion to Truth?
Shantanu Panigrahi shared a memory.
20 m
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Even liberty is an attachment that disappears eventually as one is the true nature or Self.
2 years ago
See your memories
Shantanu Panigrahi
20 February 2021
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Attachments restrict the inflow of knowledge but there is one attachment that is sacrosanct: liberty.
Shantanu Panigrahi shared a memory.
23 m
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What I wrote back then was not the mind, but it was in the process of transcending the mind to wards atman, a higher state of consciousness which when complete attains the Self (Brahman), the lower level of consciousness being the body-brain-mind complex, or the self.
2 years ago
See your memories
Shantanu Panigrahi
20 February 2021
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I am no longer in control of myself because I live within my mind, released from this world of social animals.
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Shantanu Panigrahi
You do not need to study scriptures, just say to yourself every time a thought comes to your mind whether it is a belief, a concept, an aim, an objective, a wish, a hope, an expectation, an anticipation, a mission, a desire, being proud of yourself, trying to find Truth, serving God, taking vows to find Brahman, etc: that these motivations are harmful not just to the environment but more importantly to yourself. When this is practiced you will eventually become your true nature as the higher being that is without any attachments whatsoever and this state is the Self as distinct from your lower self. You will then be nonchalant, spontaneous and unpremeditated in all your actions and see that you have been truth-accommodating perfectly. This Self is when your mind becomes atman which is Brahman. You see no duality.