The United Kingdom maintains itself as a steady economic and social boat under the principle of cofidentiality, data protection and the right to privacy. I am in principle a conscientious objector to anything that hides the truth or at least I was until the moment that I became non religious yesterday. I had lived to the assumption that truth is God and God is truth so truth will always prevail when one seeks justice; and when the State cannot yield justice it is because there is no Personal God to trust to the point that He or It as Truth will ensure that Truth prevails even in the most intransigent States. It clearly does not override the man-made laws of States from my personal struggle over the past twenty years.
So we have to do the right thing to win. This means no reliance on truth only on duties and responsibilities otherwise known to be the fight to survive, not dharma.
So before it is too late for me confidentiality will be paramount in my calculations in the struggle ahead.
If you cannot beat them, join them.
What I wrote above was the outcome of a tiny ount of frustration in me. I cannot abandon my truth path come what may.
This has to be tested to its limits. So I will go with Dharma and truth being the path to Dharma, as in sanatan dharma.
My bhakti and devotion to God cannot be blown away that easily. It is a lifetime journey that I embarked on 24 years ago.
Dharmo Rakshati Rakshita has to be ascertained. I am the one to do it.
The satyaadvaitic yoga will be resumed.